Welcome to the e-co-foot Footprint Calculator!

Welcome Message

Did you know that...

  • This calculator works the best for daily changing activities, look for a yearly Ecological Footprint calculator
  • Going by bike is good for your health and good for the planet
  • A cozy blanket or a warm pullover cost less money and less Ecological Footprint than a higher temperature at home
  • Use photovoltaics - the sun does not send a bill!

This footprint calculator is part of an international sustainability education project. Partners come from Austria, Hungary, Romania and Greece.

1836daily logs

created by all users of the tool


in 1836 daily logs created


akaryon GmbH, Grazer Strasse 77, A-8665 Langenwang/Austria
Phone +43 3854 25099
Email info@e-co-foot.eu


Co-founded by the
Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union

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